(250) 545-5787




BC Synod

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Welcome to Peace

We extend our best wishes for faith, health and security to you in this post-pandemic season while we continue to watch out for each other. As a community of care and faith we support and encourage one another through life's ups and downs. We welcome anyone who seeks a safe place in the community to reach out and find connections here. All of our services now welcome in person attendance and we still offer online participation as well. We are also pleased to provide space for community gatherings. We are back to hosting a full range of community groups for all ages and many different interests. Along with AA, Alanon, and the Vernon and Area Family History Society we host the Family Resource Centre, Tai Chi, Navy League, Appletree After School programs, Children's Choirs, the Vernon Collectors Club and Placer Miners and various special interest groups and clubs. To learn more about our church, explore this web site and consider joining us.

ELCIC National Convention and Anglican Lutheran Assembly

Let there be Greening

The second Assembly of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is taking place in Calgary, Alberta from June 28 to July 2, 2023. 


Nurturing faith and caring for others in the community and around the world is our priority when we gather for worship, focus on learning or engage in service.


We are always learning and growing. Children gather during worship for some playful reflection on Bible stories. Teens deepen their faith through biblical knowledge and catechetical learning in Confirmation Class. Scripture and Topical Studies for adults are offered regularly, with an ongoing focus on social issues from a Christian perspective.


Within the faith community and out in the world we are actively living our faith in our loving God by caring for others. Joy in serving comes as we share our gifts in the world, together.


Our Pastor has retired and we are currently involved in the ELCIC call process to find a new Pastor.

Stay tuned.


Office Administrator:  Tina Lawlor  

Church Office Email

Telephone: 250-545-5787

Address: 1204 30 Avenue Vernon, BC V1T 1Z5